Abandoned Farm House Near Brookston, Texas

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Over the last few years, I’ve past an old abandoned farm house near Brookston, Texas. Its a small house with a small addition. I’ve always wonder the story behind it and why it still stands even thought it being abandoned for all these years. Over the last few weeks I have come across some more information about the old house.

Abandoned Farm House Near Brookston, Texas



History of the Abandoned Farm House Near Brookston, Texas

This old house is at least the second house on this location and was built in 1903 by the Gorge Family. It was said that the wife use to feed hungry travelers that needed help along HWY 82.

Nearby there was once an old Cafe Service Station. But that building was torn down and an old barn and a travel trailer now sits on the property  and has been there for years.

Abandoned Farm House Near Brookston, Texas

The above information was found on one of the Facebook Groups in a comment from a local that lived down the road from the house.

This is all the information I have found so far. I will continue to look into the history of this old house and will add the history as I find more information. Eventually this old house will be added to Vanishing Texas.

Abandoned Farm House Near Brookston, Texas

The Condition of the Abandoned Farm House Near Brookston, Texas

Its been a few years since I last took a closer look at the house. But doesn’t look like it has changed much. The house may be abandoned or at least forgotten. However, the property is maintained and always looks good when I pass by.

As to the condition, its a very small farm house with a small addition that was probably a kitchen add on. It looks rough and needs a lot of work. But for a house that hasn’t been maintained in a long time, it has still has good bones. It should last for years.

Abandoned Farm House Near Brookston, Texas

About the Images

The images were shot by hand on a gloomy day using my Sony a6000 and the Sony 16-50mm f3.5-5.6 OSS Power Zoom Lens. I then used Adobe Lightroom, and Google Nik Collection to remove noise and clean up the images.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his personal website, Evolutionary Designs Blog, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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