Pictures of Rodney, Mississippi Under Water

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In March 2019 a friend and I made the short trip over to Rodney, Missisippi to take a look at what kind of damage the rising waters of the Mississippi River caused to the town. What we found was heartbreaking. Many of the town’s structures and homes were flooded. Here are a few pictures to document the flooded town. I call this set of images Rodney, Mississippi Under Water.

Rodney, Mississippi

Rodney, Mississippi Under Water - The old Freemasions lodge and the main road flooded

The area where Rodney, Mississippi now sits was originally settled in 1763 by the French and in 1828 the town was renamed and founded as Rodney. During the 19th century the town was just a few votes short from being voted in as the capital of the Mississippi Territory. But time wasn’t kind to this popular town’s population, it slowly declined to zero and lost its corporation.

Once I finish my research and documentation of the towns remaining buildings and posting their history here, I will write about the town’s history.

Throughout the town’s history the town has flooded and it seems like almost every year there is some sort of flooding. There are even historical pictures of Rodney Flooded so bad that people are parking row boats in from the buildings in town. Many of the remaining buildings are a few feet off the ground and the hunting camps are many feet off the ground on metal stilts.

Today, many refer to the town as a ghost town, but Rodney really isn’t a ghost town. There are a few full time residents and many hunting camps within the town’s original city limits. There’s even an historical group that just legally formed and purchased one of the historic churches. Its goal is to protect the town’s history and its historic buildings. They are currently looking for donations to fix the Presbyterian Church in town.

Pictures of Rodney, Mississippi Under Water

These pictures were taken with my Sony a6000 with a Sony E 55-210mm F4.5-6.3 Lens while I waited out a few feet into the water wearing my rubber muck boots and walked up and down the roads as far as could and take pictures using the telephoto lens. The images were processed with Adobe Lightroom CC and Topaz Labs A.I. Clear and DXO NIK Collection to clean up the image, remove noise, and recover the lost details.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his personal website, Evolutionary Designs Blog, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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