Forgotten Wooden Warehouse in Keachi, Louisiana

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While exploring the downtown area of Keachi, Louisiana, I found several old homes and a few old buildings to photograph and document. I plan on returning to town several more times to document more places. But for now here’s an unknown Wooden Warehouse in Keachi, Louisiana.

Wooden Warehouse in Keachi, Louisiana

Wooden Warehouse in Keachi, Louisiana

Passing through town on LA-5 just past the Masonic Lodge sitting near road is an old forgotten Wooden Warehouse. From the front it looks like an old wooden building you might find in an old west town. The sides aren’t much different. Its been sitting so long the point is long gone. The building seems to be in decent shape and is being used for storage that you can see from the road as you drive by.

Wooden Warehouse in Keachi, Louisiana

I can’t find any information on the building, not even a name. It looks like it might have been a service station at one time.

If anyone knows what this old building was and what it was used for please comment below or contact me.

About the Images

The Wooden Warehouse in Keachi, Louisiana images were shot on gloomy day using my Sony a6000 and my Sony SELP18105G E PZ 18-105mm F4 G OSS with a Gobe UV Filter using a monopod. I then edited the images with Adobe Lightroom CC and Topaz Labs Denoise AI and Topaz Labs Sharpen AI and DXO NIK Collection to clean up the images, remove noise, and recover the lost details.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his personal website, Evolutionary Designs Blog, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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