Topaz Gigapixel A.I. Update Sale

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Early today I received an email from Topaz Labs announcing a major update and sale on Topaz Gigapixel A.I. This new update will take Gigapixel A.I to version 4.0! So if you need to blow up images, then this is the product for you.

Topaz Gigapexel A. I.

What is Topaz Gigapixel A.I.

Topaz Gigapixel A.I. is a program for enlarging photos without loosing details within the image. You can use this program to enlarge images up to 600% percent and keep image quality!

To enlarge images, Topaz Gigapixel A.I. uses Topaz’s proprietary Artificial Intelligence engine to upscale your images an help keep your images sharp and and clearer than traditional upscaling tools.

Topaz Gigapixel A.I. was originally released back in August 2018 and has grown over the last few months. I haven’t had the chance to test out this software but I plan on testing and reviewing the software in the near future. All the reviews I seen on Youtube and on the web say this a great program but is only worth it if you need to enlarge small photos such as cell phone photos that you may want to print large copies of the picture.

If you are in need of enlarging photos then this is the tool for you. In celebration of the new update, Topaz is offering 20% off for new customers. Current customers of Topaz Gigapixel A.I. will get a free upgrade.

Topaz Gigapixel A.I. Price

Topaz Gigapixel A.I. is normally priced at $99.99 but until April 1st, 2019 you can take 20% off at check out and get Gigapixel A.I. for only $79.99.

Image Source: Topaz Labs Stock image


About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his personal website, Evolutionary Designs Blog, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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