Random Picture of the Week #187: A Forgotten Entrance

This week’s random image is of another abandoned entrance to an old business in Union Church, Mississippi. I’ve passed this old building for years and I’ve been watching it slowly returning back to nature. Its just another forgotten entrance A … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #179: Veto Road Bridge

This week’s random image of the week is of the old Veto Road Bridge near Union Church, Mississippi. I took this shot back in June during a road trip exploring the Homochitto National Wildlife Refuge. The Veto Road Bridge This is my second time to … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #178: An Unwelcome Entrance

This week’s random image is of abandoned entrance to an old business converted into a residence in Union Church, Mississippi. I’ve passed this old building for years and I’ve been watching it slowly returning back to nature. Its an Unwelcome … [Read more...]

Veto Road Bridge Near Union Church, Mississippi

The Veto Road Bridge near Union Church, Mississippi is an old narrow bridge that crosses the Homochitto River on a dirt road. Its just wide enough for one vehicle to cross. The bridge was closed a few years a back and sitting next to the bridge is a … [Read more...]