Abandoned Farm House Near Hamlin, Texas

Back in November 2014 I was up in the Abilene area for work. During that time, I was able to get some exploring done up near Anson, Texas. One of my trips was to Hamlin, Texas a small town near Anson and surrounding areas to  run down a few leads. … [Read more...]

Abandoned Farm House Near Decatur, Texas

Abandoned Farm House Near Decatur, Texas For the most part, most of the old farm houses from Denton, Texas to Decatur are gone. At least off HWY 380.  They have been torn down and new homes have gone up in their place. As you are driving out to … [Read more...]

Abandoned Windmill near Ferris, Texas

On a Recent trip to Blooming Grove, Texas I decided to explore some back roads in a few towns off HWY 45. I ended up reshooting an old abandoned Windmill near Ferris, Texas. The Abandoned Windmill near Ferris, Texas While out exploring the area … [Read more...]

Fairview Cemetery and Church in Tuxedo, Texas

Fairview Cemetery and Church in Tuxedo, Texas was founded in 1890 when John Page Free was buried in December 1890. There are over a 1000 interments with a few being laid to rest in the last fifteen years. Currently the cemetery and church is … [Read more...]

Day 1of the 5 Day Black and White Photo Challenge: Abandoned Halls of the Mary Allen Seminary

Two weeks ago a friend of mine challenged me to the “5 Day Black and White Photo Challenge” that I am to post on my Facebook profile each day. Challenge ACCEPTED! I love black and white photographs, but I rarely shoot in black and white anymore … [Read more...]

Two abandoned Farm Houses and Old Ford Econline Motor Home Near West Sinton, Texas

While driving back from Corpus Christi I came across an old farm house and a 1970ish Ford Econoline Motor Home abandoned off an old farm road near West Sinton. Next door looks to be another farm house or maybe storage building. Two abandoned … [Read more...]

The Abandoned Benton City Institute

The abandoned Benton City Institute was considered an important part of the early education in the area. The building was built in 1875 and was established in 1876 and was called the Benton City Normal Institute. The institution operated under the … [Read more...]

Abandoned Farm House in Eddy, Texas

For over ten years I have made the drive from Dallas, Texas to San Antonio. During my years in college I made the drive down to San Antonio almost every weekend and holiday I could to visit my wife (girlfriend at the time) at Trinity University. I … [Read more...]

The Waggoner Mansion in Decatur, Texas

The Waggoner Mansion or El Castille as its often called was built and owned by the Waggoner family from 1883 until 1942. The mansion was mostly vacant from 1922 to 1942 when the Luker family purchased the place. The family continues to live/own the … [Read more...]

The Old Stone Prison in Decatur, Texas

The Old Stone Prison in Decatur, Texas is the first stone house in town. The house was built in 1859 by prison labor. The main house was the residence of the sheriff or deputy. The small three cell jail was in the basement with the meals being … [Read more...]