Random Image of the Week #240: Forgotten Potential – Abandoned Car

This week’s random image is of an abandoned old car behind a fence surrounded by tall grass I found in Desert, Texas last summer. I’m calling this image Forgotten Potential. Forgotten Potential - The Abandoned Car I found this old car sitting in … [Read more...]

Random Image of the Week #215: Abandoned Farmhouse South of Bossier City, Louisiana

This week's random image is of an Abandoned Farmhouse South of Bossier City, Louisiana. I came across this old farmhouse as an accident as I was on my way out to Hall Summit to photograph the school. Abandoned Farmhouse South of Bossier City, … [Read more...]

Random Image of the Week #214: Dirt Road Therapy

This weekend’s random image is from a 2020 road trip out to Marysville, Texas Ito photograph an old church that was converted into a Freemason Lodge. I love the dirt road but would have preferred not have the wind generators in the background. Dirt … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #189: The Old Strawn House

This week’s random image is of the old Strawn house that can be found out on the lonely dirt roads of Grayson County, Texas. The old house was the Strawn family homestead at one time. The house sits empty surrounded by modern barns on the families’ … [Read more...]

October 2021 West Texas Road Trip

It's been just over four years since I've been on an official road trip out west and even longer since I've visited certain spots that I like to visit when I'm in the area. So when I had the chance to make a short trip I planned my October 2021 West … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #180: Old Red Barn in Grayson County, Texas

This week’s random image is of an Old Red Barn I found while exploring the back roads in Grayson County, Texas right before the storms passed through the area. Old Red Barn on a Lonely Dirt Road You just don’t see these old barns anymore. They are … [Read more...]

Methodist Church of Cannon – Grayson County, Texas

About an hour north of Dallas is the small and growing town of Van Alstyne, Texas and just east of town on the edge of town is the small rural unincorporated community of Cannon, Texas. There isn't much left of the original town. All that’s left is … [Read more...]

Forgotten Wooden Warehouse in Keachi, Louisiana

While exploring the downtown area of Keachi, Louisiana, I found several old homes and a few old buildings to photograph and document. I plan on returning to town several more times to document more places. But for now here’s an unknown Wooden … [Read more...]

March 2019 Mississippi Road Trip

Every time I visit family in Mississippi I try and plan trips to visit historic and interesting places with in an hour or two from my parent’s place. This trip was a little a different, I was there to visit my brother and his wife’s new baby. This … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #99: Abandoned Farm Truck Near Cross Cut, Texas

This week’s random image is of an abandoned farm truck near Cross Cut, Texas. Its in the tall grass and in the back ground you can see a more modern house. Abandoned Farm Truck Near Cross Cut, Texas During my travels to West Texas I am always … [Read more...]