10 Images from the 2016 Invasion Car Show: Part III

Three weekends ago was the 2016 Invasion Car Show and I was able to get there early and stay for a few hours. I normally only stay about an hour so but, this year the weather was in the 90s instead of the 100+ range. So I stayed as long as could … [Read more...]

10 Images from the 2016 Invasion Car Show: Part II

Two weekends ago was the 2016 Invasion Car Show and I was able to get there early and stay for a few hours. I normally only stay about an hour so but, this year the weather was in the 90s instead of the 100+ range. So I stayed as long as could before … [Read more...]

10+ Images From the Invasion Car Show

The Invasion Car Show is an event that happens every Labor Day Weekend in Deep Ellum, Dallas, Texas hosted by the THEM! TX Car Club. For the last few years, the show has been held on Elm Street from 10:00 AM and ends around 6:00 PM. If its to hot, … [Read more...]

10+ Images from the 2015 Sachse, Texas Cars Under the Stars Car Show

Every year the Chamber of Commerce in the City of Sachse, Texas puts on a car show in the Kroger’s parking lot. For the last three years the show has been in July and usually starts a few hours before sunset and goes to about 10 pm. 10+ Images … [Read more...]

The Invasion Car Show 2014

The Invasion Car Show is an event that happens every Labor Day Weekend in Deep Ellum, Dallas, Texas hosted by the THEM! TX Car Club. For the last few years, the show has been held on Elm Street from 10:00 AM and ends around 6:00 PM. If its to hot, … [Read more...]

10 Images from the 2013 Invasion Car Show in Deep Ellum, Dallas, Texas

The Invasion Car Show is an event that happens every Labor Day Weekend in Deep Ellum, Dallas, Texas hosted by the THEM! TX Car Club. For the last few years, the show has been held on Elm Street from 10:00 AM and ends around 6:00 PM. If its to hot, … [Read more...]

Invasion Car Show–Deep Ellum, Dallas, Texas Part 2

On September 1st, 2012 (Labor Day weekend), we were lucky enough to hit up two car shows! The first one was the Cars and Coffee Show and The Invasion Car Show in Deep Ellum (Downtown Dallas, Texas). The show was fun but we weren’t prepared for it. … [Read more...]

Invasion Car Show–Deep Ellum, Dallas, Texas

On September 1st, 2012 (Labor Day weekend), we were lucky enough to hit up two car shows! The first one was the Cars and Coffee Show and The Invasion Car Show in Deep Ellum (Downtown Dallas, Texas). The show was fun but we weren’t prepared for it. … [Read more...]