Random Picture of the Week #202: The Calaboose in Leonard, Texas

This week’s random image is of the old Calaboose in Leonard, Texas. This small 117-square-foot jail would have sat on the edge of town. Today it sits a few blocks from the town square and close to the middle of town. What is a Calaboose? Calaboose … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #199: Old Row Buildings in Downtown Leonard, Texas

This week’s random image is of several row buildings in downtown Leonard, Texas. The old buildings sit just off the square. One building is still being used while the others are being used for storage or abandoned. Old Row Buildings in Downtown … [Read more...]

Lee Family Cemetery near Leonard, Texas

A few years ago I was exploring the Wildcat Thicket ( explored the area a few months ago)which from my understanding is part of the of the Corners (where Collin County, Fannin County, Grayson, and Hunt County meet) of North Texas. While exploring … [Read more...]

Exploring the Wildcat Thicket and the Backroads near Leonard, Texas – Old Barns

Last week I wrote an article about Exploring the Wildcat Thicket and the backroads near Leonard, Texas. In that article I shared some of my landscape pictures. Today, I want to share some of the old barns and a abandoned house chimney I found during … [Read more...]

Exploring the Wildcat Thicket and the Backroads near Leonard, Texas

One of the things I love about living in the rural North East Texas is there is so much history and a lot of great views just a few minutes from our house. When I have time or just need to get out of the house for a few hours is go for a drive. … [Read more...]