Exploring the Wildcat Thicket and the Backroads near Leonard, Texas – Old Barns

Last week I wrote an article about Exploring the Wildcat Thicket and the backroads near Leonard, Texas. In that article I shared some of my landscape pictures. Today, I want to share some of the old barns and a abandoned house chimney I found during … [Read more...]

Exploring the Wildcat Thicket and the Backroads near Leonard, Texas

One of the things I love about living in the rural North East Texas is there is so much history and a lot of great views just a few minutes from our house. When I have time or just need to get out of the house for a few hours is go for a drive. … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #129: Abandoned Service Station in Cotton Center, Texas

This week’s random image is another image from a road trip exploring parts of Fannin County, Texas. This one is one of an abandoned service station in Cotton Center, Texas. Cotton Center, Texas Cotton Center, Texas is one of those small rural towns … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #128: Lannius United Methodist Church in Lannius,Texas

This week’s random Image is of the small rural church, Lannius United Methodist Church in Lannius, Texas. I found the church a few years back while on a road trip exploring Fannin County, Texas. Lannius United Methodist Church in … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #127: Rutted Out Dirt Road in Fannin County, Texas

This week’s Random Image is another shot from travels in Fannin County. The image is an rutted out dirt road in Fanning County, Texas. Rutted Out Dirt Road in Fannin County, Texas I pass by this road many times  throughout the year when I am … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #124: Old Grain Silos in Fannin County, Texas

This week’s random image is of some old grain silos in Fannin County, Texas that have seen better days. The old grain bins haven’t been used in years. Old Grain Silos in Fannin County, Texas The Old Grain Silos in Fannin County, Texas were found … [Read more...]