Random Image of the Week #239: Exploring a Dirt Road in Fannin County, Texas

This week’s random picture is of a dirt road in Fannin County, Texas I took last summer (2024) during a trip out to Bonham, Texas. I decided to take a quick side trip down a side road and had to stop and take a quick picture. Exploring a Dirt Road … [Read more...]

Random Image of the Week #238: Endless Fields of Hay in Baily, Texas

This week’s random image of the week is one of the many fields of hay in Baily, Texas. This particular area has over a hundred acres with more acres in the nearby fields. Endless Fields of Hay in Baily, Texas I’ve been driving by these fields for … [Read more...]

Random Image of the Week #234: Old Row Buildings in Downtown Leonard, Texas – Part 2

This week’s random image is another set of row buildings in Downtown Leonard, Texas. I took this picture back in June 2024 on a Saturday afternoon when the square was close to empty. Eventually, I plan to photograph the entire square and share those … [Read more...]

Random Image of the Week #233: The Old Leonard Lumber Supply Company Building

This week’s random image of the week is of the Old Leonard Lumber Supply Company Building in Leonard, Texas. For some reason, the old building caught my eye. It's an old brick warehouse. These types of buildings are getting harder to find. I think … [Read more...]

Windmill at Sunset near Trenton, Texas

A few years back I was driving around exploring the area and happened to be driving as sunset was starting and decided to see if I could find something to shoot. Just about the time the sunset was over, I found a  ranch with cattle near the fence … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #211: Storm Clouds Over Nobility, Texas

This week’s random image is of a large storm system of clouds over Nobility, Texas. The picture was taken on my way home from work on the back road to our house. Storm Clouds Over Nobility, Texas On March 16th, 2023 there was a storm advisory of … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #202: The Calaboose in Leonard, Texas

This week’s random image is of the old Calaboose in Leonard, Texas. This small 117-square-foot jail would have sat on the edge of town. Today it sits a few blocks from the town square and close to the middle of town. What is a Calaboose? Calaboose … [Read more...]

October 2021 Road Trip: HWY 56 Sherman to Paris, Texas

I was going through some of my old images from last year and realized I never shared one of my road trips. Back in October I made a back-to-back road trip I shared the West Texas Road Trip one but I never shared the East Texas one. For that trip I … [Read more...]

October 2021 North Texas Mini Road Trip – HWY 56 Sherman to Paris, Texas

Back in October I was I had some free time for a quick mini road trip. I decided that the trip should be no more than a couple hours from the house and be away from the house no longer than half the day. So decided to do a North Texas Mini Road Trip. … [Read more...]

100s of Acres of Sunflowers in Whitewright, Texas

Every few years the farmers in Texas grow Sunflowers instead of their regular crops of corn, cotton, and hay. When this happens people come from miles to take photos of the sunflowers and do their family photos. I had a lead on some fields south … [Read more...]