Random Image of the Week #226: Apple Store from the Chicago River

This week’s random image is another one from July 2024 Chicago Trip. It’s the Apple Store from the Chicago River. While exploring the downtown area we didn’t make it that far down Michigan Avenue. The Apple Store from the Chicago River I’ll be the … [Read more...]

Random Image of the Week #225: Palmer House Hilton Downtown Chicago

This week’s random image is of the Palmer House Hilton Downtown Chicago during our recent trip to Chicago. Palmer House Hilton Downtown Chicago Downtown Chicago has done a great job at preserving many of the historic building in town and has a … [Read more...]

Old Storefront in Downtown Greenville, Texas

I was out doing some exploring in downtown Greenville, Texas, and was trying to get a good shot of the recent work done on the Cadillac Hotel when I stumbled on this old building. It's not abandoned. It looks like it's being used for storage or a … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #199: Old Row Buildings in Downtown Leonard, Texas

This week’s random image is of several row buildings in downtown Leonard, Texas. The old buildings sit just off the square. One building is still being used while the others are being used for storage or abandoned. Old Row Buildings in Downtown … [Read more...]

Pictures of Downtown Honey Grove, Texas

Downtown Honey Grove, Texas is one of my favorite small town downtown in the state. For a small town it has a large down area and a large town square full of used buildings and others that have been empty for years. Many of the buildings were built … [Read more...]

Downtown Terry, Mississippi

During one of my explores I was passing through downtown Terry, Mississippi and thought the downtown area was interesting and worth a couple quick shots before heading to my next location. Terry, Mississippi Terry, Mississippi is small town about … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #132: Downtown Paducah, Texas

This week’s random image is of downtown Paducah, Texas and was taken back in 2017 during a West Texas and the southern Panhandle of Texas road trip. One of our stops was Paducah and I had to snap off this shot of one of the streets in … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #89: Bartlett, Texas Historic District

This week’s random image of the week is of a street scene of Bartlett, Texas Historic District. This photo was taken October 19th, 2018 between the storms. Bartlett, Texas Historic District The Bartlett Historic District in Bartlett, Texas and … [Read more...]