Random Picture of the Week #209: Keachi Baptist Church

This week’s random image is of the old Keachi Baptist Church in keachi, Louisiana I took during our February 2023 Road Trip. The church sits across the street from the site of the Keachi Female College and the old school. Keachi Baptist … [Read more...]

February 2023 Road Trip: Part 1 Keachi, Louisiana

Back in mid-February my wife and I were able to take much needed week off to visit my family in Mississippi. During that trip, I planned out several stops along the way but most of those stops were canceled we so were so exhausted we choose to sleep … [Read more...]

Longstreet Rosenwald School in Longstreet, Louisiana

On a recent trip to Mississippi I decided that my return trip would once again take through Keachi, Louisiana to visit the old Longstreet Rosenwald School, Keachi Cemetery, and the Confederate Memorial Cemetery. My first stop was the School in … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #163: Abandoned House in Gloster, Louisiana

This week’s random image is of an abandoned house in Gloster, Louisiana I came across as I was passing through town to photograph some old buildings in Keachi, Louisiana. Abandoned House in Gloster, LouisianaI first noticed the abandoned house in … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #162: Abandoned Farmhouse near Gloster, Louisiana

This week’s random image is of an abandoned farmhouse near Gloster, Louisiana I stumbled across when I was on my way to Keachi Woman’s College. I just had to turn around and grab a shot of the old house. Abandoned Farmhouse near Gloster, … [Read more...]

Keachi Woman’s College Grounds

A great little town to stop and photograph in Desoto Parish, Louisiana is the town of Keachi. Its full of old houses and the location of Keachi Woman’s College. The old college grounds is a favorite for photographers and ghost hunters a like. The … [Read more...]

The Old Cathy House in Keachi, Louisiana

The Kathy House in Keachi, Louisiana as its known currently by the locals has been owned by several families over the years. It was once known as the Fullilove House, and the Schular House. I’ve read somewhere that it was referred to as the Fullilove … [Read more...]

Old Shotgun House in Keachi, Louisiana

When passing through towns in the south I’m always on the lookout for old shotgun houses that are being restored that have been restored. There aren't that many left and they need to be documented. When I was exploring DeSoto County I spot a rough … [Read more...]

The Old Keachi Store in Keachi, Louisiana

The Old Keachi Store in Keachi, Lousiana is an interesting building and you don’t see these types of buildings in small towns that look this anymore. From my research most small town general stores were more a thing of function than a thing of … [Read more...]

Liberty Lodge No. 123, F & A M, in Keachi, Louisiana

While exploring in Desoto Parish I came across an old lodge along with a few other buildings. The Liberty Lodge No. 123, F & A M, in Keachi, Louisiana in DeSoto Parish, Louisiana, was built originally around 1852 and was rebuilt in 1880 after … [Read more...]