Random Image of the Week #236: Pistons and Paint Car Show #22

This week’s random image is from the Pistons and Paint Car Show #22. The show has been around for a long time. Every year the show gets bigger with more cars and more people wanting to see the show. I meet a lot of great people and talk with a lot of … [Read more...]

Random Image of the Week #224: Sunset in Lewisville, Texas

This week’s random image is of a Sunset in Lewisville, Texas taken in a parking lot as the remain light slowly disappeared. Sunset in Lewisville, Texas Since buying my Google Pixel 7 Pro I’ve been able to capture some decent shots to great shots … [Read more...]

Old Alton Bridge in Argyle, Texas

I had some business in Lewisville and Denton last week and decided to check out the Old Alton Bridge in Argyle, Texas between stops. This bridge has been on my list for a few years to photograph but I rarely ever make it that area of Denton … [Read more...]