Random Image of the Week #240: Forgotten Potential – Abandoned Car

This week’s random image is of an abandoned old car behind a fence surrounded by tall grass I found in Desert, Texas last summer. I’m calling this image Forgotten Potential. Forgotten Potential - The Abandoned Car I found this old car sitting in … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #190: Old Car and Windmill at Sunset – Medicine Mound, Texas

This week's random image is of an old car and windmill at sunset with the Medicine Mounds in the background out in West Texas during our trip to do a night in Medicine Mound, Texas. Old Car and Windmill at Sunset Almost 4 years ago my friend and I … [Read more...]

Random Image of the Week #52: Off Limits – Abandoned Car Behind the Fence

This week’s random image is of an abandoned car behind the fence I found just west of Bonham, Texas as I was exploring HWY-82 towards east Texas. This article was originally posted to EvolutionaryDesigns.net/photography on February 4th, … [Read more...]

Abandoned Cars in Oklahoma

I love old cars and I love photographing them. Over the years I found that I love photographing abandoned cars left to the elements in pastures, barns, and other places as well. Some of time it gets me thinking why was it left behind? At other times … [Read more...]