Random Picture of Week #10: Caddo Lake

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This week’s random picture is a view of a section of Caddo Lake near the Big Pine Lodge Restaurant & Waterin Hole. One of the few places that can cook a mean fried catfish.

Caddo Lake, Texas

Evening shot of a sport fisherman’s boat speeding by.

Originally posted on December 13th, 2013 on Evolutionary Designs – Photography

Caddo Lake

Caddo Lake is a 25,00+ acre lake and wetland located on the border of Texas and Louisiana. The lake is named after local Native Americans, Caddoans or Caddo, who once lived in the area.

The surrounding area is internationally protected and features the largest Cypress forest in the world. Caddo Lake is the second largest natural non-oxbow lake in the south. But it was altered when a dam was added in the 1900s.

Source: Wiki

This particular section of the lake is called the channel. Originally the channel was used by steamboats to get the port of Jefferson, Texas. But that changed once the Great Raft was removed. the waters lowered and the steamboats had to find another way to get to the port.

About the Image

It was just after dinner when I framed up this shot. It was just after sunset or the last few minutes of sunset and the few minutes before the blue hour starts. Honestly, out there on the banks, under those pine and cypress trees, its always gets a little darker faster.

I took this shot by hand with my Sony NEX-3N with the pancake kit lens, then processed it with Adobe Lightroom. Then post processed the image with Topaz Labs Clarity to add more texture, remove shadows, boost brightness and contrast.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his personal website, Evolutionary Designs Blog, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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