Random Picture of the Week #57: The Old Bug Tussle General Store

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This week’s random image was taken on a last minute, much needed road trip to East Texas after a long week working in Bethany, Oklahoma back in September 2014. The old building is the Old Bug Tussle General Store in Bug Tussle, Texas.

Bug Tussle General Store This article was originally posted to EvolutionaryDesigns.net/photography on March 15th, 2015

The Abandoned Bug Tussle General Store

The only building left in town except for a few local houses scattered around is the abandoned Bug Tussle general store. It has been abandoned for years and in the recent past was a hot spot for photographers. If you look at older abandoned photos of the building, you will see hanging from the attic window a sign that says Bug Tussle, Texas. The sign was stolen or fell off several years ago. The windows are gone and all that is left is the old general store style wooden counter.

Currently the owner has slowly started renovating the old building. He removed the old masonite siding that his family added back in the early 1980s to the original metal side the building would have been built with.

About the Image

The image was shot by hand early in the afternoon on a gloomy day with my Sony Nex-3N and a Sony SEL16F28 16mm f/2.8 lens. I then edited the image in Adobe Lightroom. Next, I post processed with Topaz Clarity to add texture, brighten, and bring out the details in the image. Then I removed the dust spots. Finally, I used

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his personal website, Evolutionary Designs Blog, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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