Random Picture of the Week #18: Texas Bluebonnets on a Hill

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This week’s random image is of Texas Bluebonnets on a hill surrounded by homes, apartments, and businesses.

Texas Bluebonnets on a Hill

Originally posted on April 14th, 2014 on the EvolutionaryDesigns.net/photography

About this Field

This particular field is no longer here. Just as the bluebonnets were  about to bloom, contstruction started nearby. During the grading the process the owners leveled this hill and cut the remaining flowers down before they could reseed the public easement. The the hill was located on Highway 78 in Sachse, Texas. Its actually just past the center of town and almost at the edge of Wylie and Sachse, Texas near the Woodbridge Community.

Over the last few years this place has been a hot spot for photographers and families wanting to take their pictures with the Texas state flower.

At one time this field was used for dumping top soil and fill dirt. Over the years, it was formed into a hill by earth movers. Then some kind soul seeded the field with bluebonnets.

About the Image

This shot was taken at high noon. On one of the first days of a true Texas spring. Mid 80s with high humidity. At least the wind died down long enough to shoot the flowers!  The shot was taken with a Sony Nex-3N/B w/ E 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS PZ kit lens. I then processed it with Adobe Lightroom to crop, straightened, and remove dust spots from the image. After that, I post processed the image with Topaz Labs Clarity to add more texture, remove shadows, boost brightness and contrast.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his personal website, Evolutionary Designs Blog, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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