Random Image of the Week #236: Pistons and Paint Car Show #22

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This week’s random image is from the Pistons and Paint Car Show #22. The show has been around for a long time. Every year the show gets bigger with more cars and more people wanting to see the show. I meet a lot of great people and talk with a lot of car owners and car clubs.

Random Image of the Week #236: Pistons and Paint Car Show #22

Pistons and Paint Car Show #22

I’ve been to the show at least three times. That would have been Pistons and Paint #19, #21 and then this year’s show. In the past I’ve either been sick, busy, or working. Now I make it habit of following them on Instagram and Facebook, once the next show’s date drops, I add it to my calendar and start seeing if anyone wants to join me.

I will be starting a Pistons and Paint Car Show #22 article series as soon as all the images are edited. At that point I will share more details about the show. For some reason I never got around to editing images or sharing last year’s show, at some point I will get those images edited and posted.

About the Image

This image was shot on a mid to late sunny afternoon using my Google Pixel 7 Pro. The image was edited on my iPad 10th Gen. I then used Luminar for iPad and Adobe Lightroom Mobile to clean up the image and other items that were in the way.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his personal website, Evolutionary Designs Blog, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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