In the small town of Bowie, Texas there is an old abandoned Texaco building near the train tracks. The Abandoned Texaco Building in Bowie, Texas I’m not sure what this building was used for. It looks like it was an old train depot at some … [Read more...]
Understanding Your Camera Modes
Are you new DSLRs and the new mirrorless camera systems that can operate in manual modes and automatic modes? Ever wondered what each of those dials and pictures on them do? If so, I found a great guide that explains these modes and what each mode … [Read more...]
Abandoned Two Story Farm House East of Windom, Texas
During my East Texas Road Trip down HWY 56 from Sherman, Texas to Honey Grove, Texas I came across a handful of abandoned farm houses such as the house in Ector, Texas. But one farm house in particular caught my attention and that was a two story … [Read more...]
Killer Lightroom’s Tips for New Users #7: You Shoot in RAW But, Lightroom Shows the JPEG Version First
A few weeks ago I shared a new article from new user tips series by Scott Kelby and his team that can be found on the Lightroom Killer Tips website. The series is now complete so if you want to skip ahead see the rest of the articles, just click on … [Read more...]
The Abandoned Ed Young’s Service Station aka Outlaw Service Station in Glen Rose, Texas
Ed Young’s Service Station in Glen Rose, Texas Ed Young’s Service Station in Glen Rose, Texas is often called the Outlaw Service Station or just “Sycamore Grove.” It was built in 1928 after Ed Young realized how successful the White Rock Road House … [Read more...]
Killer Lightroom’s Tips for New Users #6: Use Lightroom Solo Mode To See What Tools You Are Currently Using
A few weeks ago I shared a new article from new user tips series by Scott Kelby and his team that can be found on the Lightroom Killer Tips website. The series is now complete so if you want to skip ahead see the rest of the articles, just click on … [Read more...]
Kansas City Southern Evening Train Passing Through Greenville, Texas
I have always loved trains and almost anything train related. Being lover of history, the history of the train and the railroad barons of the old world have always fascinated me. Seeing this this history slowly disappear as the old railway systems … [Read more...]
April Fool’s Day: TelsaThemes 50% Off Discount
One of my favorite Premium WordPress Theme sites, TeslaThemes has a great limited time discount on everything they sell! They have decided instead of fooling around they are going to give a limited time 50% off everything they sell! That's right, … [Read more...]
Photoshop Trick: Sharpen High ISO Images Without Adding Noise
Have you ever taken a picture that has a lot of noise in the background? If this happens its could be because you are shooting with a high ISO setting. Shooting with high ISO settings isn’t a bad thing, it just something you have to do. If you are … [Read more...]
Abandoned Farm House East of Ector, Texas
On one of my after work road trips I decided to explore east of HWY 56 from Sherman, Texas as far I could drive in two hours. I decided to stop every abandoned house/building (worth stopping at), small town downtown square, and abandoned … [Read more...]