Hiking Cedar Bluff Nature Trail at Beavers Bend State Park

Cedar Bluff Nature Trail at Beavers Bend State Park is a 0.9 mile popular loop trail that's located near Broken Bow, Oklahoma. The trail features elevations changes, a bluff, that overlooks a river, and beautiful displays of color during the fall … [Read more...]

Hiking the Tree Trail at Beaver’s Bend State Park

The Tree Trail at Beaver's Bend State Park is 1.2 loop trail near Broken Bow, Oklahoma is considered a leisurely stroll through the woods and was designed to be used for hiking, walking, and nature trips. The trail isn't all that flat and does have a … [Read more...]

Meadow Pond Trail at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge

The Meadow Pond Trail at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge near Pottsboro, Texas is a 2.85 one-way trail that follows the old KATY Trail Rail System (Missouri-Kansas-Texas (MKT or "Katy") Railroad). The round trip is about 6 miles that views of … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #176: Old Red Barn on a Lonely Dirt Road

This week’s random image is of an Old Red Barn on a Lonely Dirt Road I found in Grayson County, Texas right before the storms passed through the area. Old Red Barn on a Lonely Dirt Road You just don’t see these old barns anymore. They are either torn … [Read more...]

Hiking Burford Trail in the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge

The Burford Lake Trail is a 0.8 mile moderately trafficked there and back trail located near Indiahoma, Oklahoma that features prairie lands, a lake, and great views of the surrounding area when you reach the end of the trail. The Burford Trail in … [Read more...]

Hiking the Elk Mountain Trail in the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge

The Elk Mountain Trail in the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge is a 2.3 mile there and back trail that features wildflowers and scenic views of the refuge as you make your way to the top of the mountain. According to AllTrails, the trail is … [Read more...]

Hiking the Kite Trail at the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge

The Kite Trail at the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge is a 2.4 mile heavily trafficked out and back trail. The trail features a lake, river (Cache Creek), and great views of the surrounding area. It is also the shortest trail to get you to … [Read more...]

Mount Scott Nature Trail in the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge

Mount Scott Nature Trail in the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge is a 2.8 mile out and back trail located across from Mount Scott that features a lake, prairie lands, and great view of the surrounding mountains. The trail is a good for all … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #158: A Lonely Road in the Wichita Mountains

This week’s random image is of a lonely road in the Wichita Mountains taken on October 18th, 2020. The picture was taken during a long needed outdoor vacation as the bad weather was rolling in. I Took a Few Weeks Off Its been a couple of weeks … [Read more...]

100s of Acres of Sunflowers in Whitewright, Texas

Every few years the farmers in Texas grow Sunflowers instead of their regular crops of corn, cotton, and hay. When this happens people come from miles to take photos of the sunflowers and do their family photos. I had a lead on some fields south … [Read more...]