Minnesota State Memorial at Vicksburg National Military Park

A few years back I had some free time while in Mississippi and in the Vicksburg area I decided to visit the Vicksburg National Military Park. Over the years I had been there a few times but was never able to visit the entire park. During my last … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #194: The P. J. Mullens Building – Denison, Texas

This week’s random image is of the old P.J. Mullens Building in Denison, Texas. I came across this old building last year when I was passing through town and I just had to stop and take some pictures of it. The P. J. Mullens Building From what I … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #193: Old Mom and Pop Service Station

This week's random image is of a recently restored old mom and pop service station in Denison, Texas. I came across this old station while exploring near the older parts of the downtown area looking for old buildings and houses to photograph.  These … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #191: Old Rock Gymnasium in Erath County, Texas

This week’s random image is another image revisit from a past trip. This image was actually in pretty bad shape unusable even for web use because of the amount of noise it had. What you are seeing is an unused rock gymnasium in Erath County, … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #188: Christ Episcopal Church in Church Hill, Mississippi – Church and Cemetery

It’s been another crazy month and I didn't get the chance to write as many articles as I had planned.  My work scheduled was changed when the building I’m at had to shut down to replace the roof. To keep us working they put us at other locations … [Read more...]

Japanese Tea Garden in San Antonio, Texas

When my wife and I were dating she went to college in San Antonio, and we spent a lot of time going places in town and the surrounding areas. One our favorite places we went a few times and wished we had gone more was the Japanese Tea Garden in San … [Read more...]

October 2021 North Texas Mini Road Trip – HWY 56 Sherman to Paris, Texas

Back in October I was I had some free time for a quick mini road trip. I decided that the trip should be no more than a couple hours from the house and be away from the house no longer than half the day. So decided to do a North Texas Mini Road Trip. … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #186: Christ Episcopal Church in Church Hill, Mississippi – Church and Cemetery

It's been another crazy month. In October I went on 2 road trips, attended a car show, and my wife and I started our hiking trips back up. So between those outings and working on all my images there hasn't been much time for writing articles. So … [Read more...]

Old Native Stone Gymnasium in Comanche, Oklahoma

October of last year my wife and I took a trip up into West Oklahoma and did some hiking in the Wichita Mountains. As we were passing through a small community we came across an old native stone Gymnasium in Comanche, Oklahoma. I just had to stop and … [Read more...]

October 2021 West Texas Road Trip

It's been just over four years since I've been on an official road trip out west and even longer since I've visited certain spots that I like to visit when I'm in the area. So when I had the chance to make a short trip I planned my October 2021 West … [Read more...]