Random Picture of the Week #208: Gothic Church Doors

This week’s random image is of a set of Gothic Church Doors from the old Christ Episcopal Church in Church Hill, Mississippi, and in honor of one of my favorite churches in Mississippi. Gothic Church Doors I spent a week in Mississippi last week … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #206: The old Eastland School in Panola County, Texas

This week’s random image is of the abandoned Eastland School in Panola County, Texas. I came across this old school as I was exploring the backroads near the Texas-Louisiana border heading towards my next stop Keatchie, Louisiana. The old Eastland … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #205: Downtown Kilgore, Texas

One of my road trips out east took me through downtown Kilgore, Texas. The downtown area was on the quiet side so I took a minute and took a picture of downtown with the oil derricks in the background. Downtown Kilgore, Texas The view of oil … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #203: The Old Farmhouse on the Hill

This week’s random image of the week is of the Old Farmhouse on the hill in Anna, Texas. It was located on an old ranch in Collin County. This old house is one of my favorites and I have some good news about the house. The Old Farmhouse on the … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #202: The Calaboose in Leonard, Texas

This week’s random image is of the old Calaboose in Leonard, Texas. This small 117-square-foot jail would have sat on the edge of town. Today it sits a few blocks from the town square and close to the middle of town. What is a Calaboose? Calaboose … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #200: Old Service Station in Celeste, Texas

This week’s random image is of an old Service Station in Celeste, Texas. Celeste is just down the road from us and we pass through town often. Each time I pass through town I always try and stop by and photograph the service station but there’s … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #199: Old Row Buildings in Downtown Leonard, Texas

This week’s random image is of several row buildings in downtown Leonard, Texas. The old buildings sit just off the square. One building is still being used while the others are being used for storage or abandoned. Old Row Buildings in Downtown … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #198: First Christian Church in Whitesboro, Texas

This week’s random image is of the First Christian Church in Whitesboro, Texas that I took back in 2020. This historic beautiful church was restored a few years ago and used as a wedding venue. First Christian Church in Whitesboro, Texas The church … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #197: Abandoned Church in Wichita County, Texas

This week’s random image is of an abandoned church in Wichita County, Texas. I took this picture as my wife and I passed through town after our 2020 vacation to the Wichita Mountains. About the Old Church The old church is located in a small west … [Read more...]

October 2021 Road Trip: HWY 56 Sherman to Paris, Texas

I was going through some of my old images from last year and realized I never shared one of my road trips. Back in October I made a back-to-back road trip I shared the West Texas Road Trip one but I never shared the East Texas one. For that trip I … [Read more...]