Last year I was driving through the backroads of Natchitoches Parish, La when I came across this old mom-and-pop service station just outside of Ashland, Louisiana. After some research, this was originally Dupree's Grocery – Esso Gas. Dupree's … [Read more...]
Hall Summit School and Gymnasium
Sitting just off the Highway in Hall Summit, Louisiana is the long-time abandoned Hall Summit School. This beautiful old school and gymnasium has sat unused for years and is slowly falling in on itself from the inside out. Hall Summit School and … [Read more...]
Old Storefront in Downtown Greenville, Texas
I was out doing some exploring in downtown Greenville, Texas, and was trying to get a good shot of the recent work done on the Cadillac Hotel when I stumbled on this old building. It's not abandoned. It looks like it's being used for storage or a … [Read more...]
The Old Biloxi Cemetery
The Old Biloxi Cemetery is located just off HWY 90 and spans about 6 acres. The land was deeded by the Fayard heirs in 1844. But the cemetery is believed to be where the cemetery of the early French Settlers was buried during the early 1700s. The … [Read more...]
Biloxi Lighthouse – Biloxi, Mississippi
Driving into town from either direction of HWY 90 you will see the Biloxi Lighthouse sitting between the lanes of the HWY. The lighthouse has survived many hurricanes over the years and has become a post-Katrina symbol of the city's resolve and … [Read more...]
Biloxi Beach at Lighthouse Pier
After visiting the Lighthouse Pier we decided to take a walk along Biloxi Beach and check out some of the beach dune fences and the remains of an old pier. We ended up walking about half a mile before the wind got enough to be annoying and the storm … [Read more...]
The Lighthouse Pier in Biloxi, Mississippi
When driving HY 90 in Biloxi you will see the remains of an old pier with the covered structure still standing at the end of the pier. That old pier is the Lighthouse Pier in Biloxi, Mississippi. Our Visit The next stop of our February 2023 Biloxi … [Read more...]
Broadwater Beach Marina Lighthouse – Biloxi, Mississippi
Part of our February 2023 road trip was to visit family. During our stay, we decided to take a day trip down to the Mississippi Gulf Coast and do a little exploring. Our first stop was an old lighthouse out on a pier. The area is in rough shape, with … [Read more...]
Random Picture of the Week #209: Keachi Baptist Church
This week’s random image is of the old Keachi Baptist Church in keachi, Louisiana I took during our February 2023 Road Trip. The church sits across the street from the site of the Keachi Female College and the old school. Keachi Baptist … [Read more...]
February 2023 Road Trip: Part 1 Keachi, Louisiana
Back in mid-February my wife and I were able to take much needed week off to visit my family in Mississippi. During that trip, I planned out several stops along the way but most of those stops were canceled we so were so exhausted we choose to sleep … [Read more...]