The Ghost Town of Rocky Springs, Mississippi

The small town of Rocky Springs, Mississippi is a ghost town with nothing more than a walking path around what was once the town with a few old safes, cisterns, plaques were buildings may have once stood. The only building left in town is the Rocky … [Read more...]

Crownover Chapel and Fairland Cemetery

Late in April 2015 a photographer friend and I took a road trip to explore Texas Hill Country and West Texas to photograph Texas Wildflowers and abandonments. After finishing up at the Bluebonnet house in Marble Falls, Texas we were heading west … [Read more...]

Fairview Cemetery and Church in Tuxedo, Texas

Fairview Cemetery and Church in Tuxedo, Texas was founded in 1890 when John Page Free was buried in December 1890. There are over a 1000 interments with a few being laid to rest in the last fifteen years. Currently the cemetery and church is … [Read more...]

Longwood Plantation: A Lost Dream

The Longwood Plantation were the dreams of Dr. Haller Nutt, a wealthy cotton Plantation owner. Dr. Nutt had plans to build Longwood for his himself, wife and his eight children. Their home was to be built in the 19th Century Oriental Revival Style … [Read more...]