Random Image of the Week #229: The University of Notre Dame

This week’s random image was taken during our 2024 Family Vacation in Western Michigan. During our drive from Chicago, we made a side trip to explore the campus of the University of Notre Dame. Since a child I wanted to visit or even go to the … [Read more...]

Random Image of the Week #228: Wrigley Field

This week’s random image is another shot from the Chicago portion of our 2024 family trip. As you can see it's the stadium sign for Wrigley Field. One of my favorite sports signs. Wrigley Field I’m not a big sports fan, but I’m a history fan, and I … [Read more...]

Random Image of the Week #226: Apple Store from the Chicago River

This week’s random image is another one from July 2024 Chicago Trip. It’s the Apple Store from the Chicago River. While exploring the downtown area we didn’t make it that far down Michigan Avenue. The Apple Store from the Chicago River I’ll be the … [Read more...]

Random Image of the Week #225: Palmer House Hilton Downtown Chicago

This week’s random image is of the Palmer House Hilton Downtown Chicago during our recent trip to Chicago. Palmer House Hilton Downtown Chicago Downtown Chicago has done a great job at preserving many of the historic building in town and has a … [Read more...]

Random Image of the Week #224: Sunset in Lewisville, Texas

This week’s random image is of a Sunset in Lewisville, Texas taken in a parking lot as the remain light slowly disappeared. Sunset in Lewisville, Texas Since buying my Google Pixel 7 Pro I’ve been able to capture some decent shots to great shots … [Read more...]

Downtown Waxahachie, Texas at Night

A few months ago I started a new job and the training has been crazy. Studying for the certifications required for the job has me studying about 55 hours a week 6 or 7 days a week. On January 6th my wife and I met her brother in Waxahachie, Texas … [Read more...]

Random Image of the Week #219: The Paris Texas Eiffel Tower at Night

This week's random image is of the Paris Texas Eiffel Tower at Night. I took this shot with my cellphone attached to my travel tripod at about midnight on Saturday, July 22, 2023, with clear skies. The Paris Texas Eiffel Tower at Night The tower … [Read more...]

Old Storefront in Downtown Greenville, Texas

I was out doing some exploring in downtown Greenville, Texas, and was trying to get a good shot of the recent work done on the Cadillac Hotel when I stumbled on this old building. It's not abandoned. It looks like it's being used for storage or a … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #194: The P. J. Mullens Building – Denison, Texas

This week’s random image is of the old P.J. Mullens Building in Denison, Texas. I came across this old building last year when I was passing through town and I just had to stop and take some pictures of it. The P. J. Mullens Building From what I … [Read more...]

Random Picture of the Week #188: Christ Episcopal Church in Church Hill, Mississippi – Church and Cemetery

It’s been another crazy month and I didn't get the chance to write as many articles as I had planned.  My work scheduled was changed when the building I’m at had to shut down to replace the roof. To keep us working they put us at other locations … [Read more...]