
I created this site mainly as a way to brand myself and for others to get to know me. This site will have every part of my online life. It will have links to my sites, portfolio (web design and photography), and sites that I am a part of. As for the blog portion of this site, I will post about design, technology, wordpress, photography, cool stuff, ebooks/guides and link to some of guest articles as well those articles I write for regularly.
This site is still in its early stages, and I will add more content as I can. For more information about me, check out my personal about page.


Topics or categories will be kept simple. As mentioned before, I will write under 9 broad topics but all articles written will be related to one of those topics (but mostly photography related and tech with a little WordPress thrown in). I will try and write two articles a week (when I have time) or work on some other part of the site each week. One article will be tech related or over one of the topics I like to wright about. The second article will be from a photo shoot I recently shot with a little history/story about the images.

If you are looking for more articles by me, then you should check out Evolutionary Designs for all your new media needs or if you are wanting WordPress only articles, I have been writing reviews over at WPLeaders.com  other than that, I am currently still looking for other places I can write.

If you own a technology or a new media related blog and want me to write for you or write a guest article for you, then just ask. In most cases, I will be more than happy to write for your site. If you want me to review your products and services, then contact me on the contact page. Tell me what you have in mind. Then we work on the payment options.