Abandoned Delinted Cottonseed Mill in Farmersville Texas

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In Farmersville, just east of town there is an abandoned mill off State Highway 380. If you aren’t looking for it you might just miss it. Since the property was abandoned and cleaned up it has been sitting abandoned since 1984. Rogers Delinted Cottonseed - Farmersville

Rogers Delinted Cottonseed Mill – Farmersville

The old abandoned mill in Farmersville, Texas is the old Rogers Delinted Cottonseed Mill and sits on 81 acres. The mill opened its doors in 1965 and was abandoned in 1984. The property was original was divided into three areas. One area is approximately thirty acres located in the south east area of the property and was the field irrigation. The second area was a large section of undeveloped land located to the east of the property. The only remaining structures were the processing area and that took up about 20 acres of the north west side of the property.

The Mill’s Function

The Mill used arsenic compounds to defoliate the cotton plants. They would delint the cottonseeds by washing them with five percent sulfuric acid. This would chemically remove the husks, lints, fibers, and other unwanted material. During this process they would also use a fungicide to protect the delinted cottonseeds.

The spent acid solution from the processing was then collected in two impoundments (settling ponds) so the suspended solids could separate the suspended solids could separate from the acid solution. From there, the water was discharged by evaporation and irrigation into the cotton fields

The  Mill’s History

In 1995, a screening site inspection found that the specific area where hazardous substances were stored, used, or spilled.

Then in 1999, twenty acres of cotton fields were sold to the Step of Faith Worship Center. According to Bing Maps, the Church still sits in that spot.

According to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, from February 1, 2000 until May 26th, 2006, the area was consider toxic and was in the process of being cleaned up. On May 26th, 2006, the site was officially removed from the records as being toxic be removed and is safe to public and environmental health. However, the property is restricted to commercial/industrial only use only.

For more information about Rogers Delinted Cottonseed Mill and it records on hazardous records, check out the records here.

Rogers Delinted Cottonseed – Farmersville  Exploration

After visiting the site, I found that the area is over grown with brush and vines slowly climbing up the sides of the buildings. The only living creatures there are two giants white owls and few rodents (soon to be dinner for the owls). Rogers Delinted Cottonseed - Farmersville

The only buildings left on the property were two large warehouses. One was mostly cleared out except for several stacks of pallets and pile of old tires. In the other warehouse, you can see the abandoned equipment and an old truck left behind.Rogers Delinted Cottonseed - Farmersville

Rogers Delinted Cottonseed - Farmersville

Rogers Delinted Cottonseed - Farmersville

The last few buildings are the closely packed grain silos and loading area. As you can see there, the trees and vines are growing up everywhere including through the cracked cement. Rogers Delinted Cottonseed - Farmersville

Final Thoughts on The Abandoned Cottonseed Mill

The place has a creepy vide about it. Surprisingly there wasn’t much vandalism and much trash on the property as you might would think for a place that hasn’t some taking care of the place in years. Rogers Delinted Cottonseed - Farmersville

Along with the creepy feeling you get there, you have the green skylights that gives off a green tint to what little light there is and finally you have a toxic smell that is still lingering around. The smell grew worse around the old equipment.

Information Source: Rogers Delinted Cottonseed – Farmersville ( Texas Commission on Environmental Quality)

About the Images

All images were shot with a Canon EOS Rebel T1i and processed with Adobe Light Room 3. Due to the low light, some images did not come out as well as they should have and the site will be revisited with a tripod.

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his personal website, Evolutionary Designs Blog, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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