12000+ Light Leak Overlays Bundle12000+ Light Leak Overlays

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Its been a while since I’ve shared discounted premium design resources on this site. I normally share them over at my other site and a link appears in the side bar when a new article on that site is posted. But at the moment I’m spending more time on this site and another site. So I plan on sharing more photography related resources and gear deals as I find them. Some of them will then be shared over at Evolutionary Designs at a later date. With that being said, earlier today I came across a deal from InkyDeals that I think will be useful for those wanting to add light leaks to their photos. This discounted bundle is called the 1200+ Light Leak Overlays Bundle.

1200+ Light Leak Overlays Bundle

12000+ Light Leak Overlays Bundle – Features

Lights leaks were generally issues with old film cameras and were considered bad for pictures. Today they are popular and people love adding them to their photos. Overlays make it easy to add light fades, vintage looks, film burns, dual leaks and more. With the InkyDeals’ 12000+ Light Leak Overlays Bundle has you covered. They have a light leak overlay for almost everything. Below is the copied information from the InkyDeals sales page.

      • Well systematized layers
      • Fully editable layers
      • Easy to customize
      • Non-destructive actions
      • Well documented instructions
      • These overlays can be used on Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, and CC 2018 (tested in the English version)
      • Suggested to use high resolution photo sizes between 1000 – 5000px (min resolution: 72dpi)

12000+ Light Leak Overlays Bundle – Cost

InkyDeals have the 12000+ Light Leak Overlays Bundle valued at $99 and is offering the bundled for $29. To learn more, learn how to use the light leak overlays, and see examples out the bundle features, check out the sales page today.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his personal website, Evolutionary Designs Blog, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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