Abandoned Pink Farm House on FM 677 South of Illinois Bend, Texas

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On my last trip to Oklahoma I decided to decided visit Spanish Fort, Texas then head up through central Oklahoma taking back roads for a good part of my trip up to Oklahoma City. Last week I posted about a small farm house I found off FM 677 and FM 373 N. This week, I wanted to share with you cute little abandoned pink farm house off FM 677 just south of Illinois Bend, Texas

Abandoned Pink Farm house on FM 677

Condition of the Abandoned Pink Farm House on FM 677 South of Illinois Bend, Texas

Just a few minutes north from FM 677 and FM 373 N and just a few minutes South of Illinois Bend, Texas there is a small abandoned pink farm house in fairly good shape.

Abandoned Pink Farmhouse on FM 677

In reality, this pink house was probably some shade of red and faded over time. Since the house was abandoned, the house continued to fade as it was forgotten.

At least from the front, it looks to be in good shape. The sides are ok. but once again, the addition is in rough shape. But its better than most I find.

As to the history of this old abandoned pink farm house, I can’t find anything on it. If you know anything about the this old farm house, please contact me. I am always looking to add the history to each of the abandoned places added on this site.

Final Thoughts

This is a cute little house and the pink color only gives it character. Adding to its character is the windmill next to the house patiently waiting to serve its owners.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his personal website, Evolutionary Designs Blog, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


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